March 16, 2007

soak your mind

A quick note to media creators:

We as creative professionals need to be careful that we don’t begin to live in a tunnel. It is easy to consume all of our information and media through the current video, audio, and print channels.

But my caution is this – just because something is new doesn’t make it better. In fact, who is to say that old isn’t better?

The media we create will have a far richer and deeper impact if we saturate our minds offline as well. So be sure to pick up a good novel. Sit in on lecture series. Ask the homeless guy on your street about life for a change. Get on your belly and play with a one-year-old. Sit and listen to an old man tell long boring stories for hours on end. Listen to music that you hate.

If you do these things and things like them - your life will be richer – you will learn something new – and your media will end up different and more textured. So go soak your mind in something besides “media” for a while.

You will like the results – I promise.

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