May 23, 2007


I just returned home from a four day trip and found the new Wired magazine in my mailbox. It was shrink wrapped and when I opened it a DVD fell out. It was a nine minute movie called "Eureka." The bottom corner said "a shell films production." Shell as in the oil company. This got me thinking about two things... in no particular order.

1. DVDs suck. Okay - they were great in 1997 - but wake up - this is the new millennium. The problem with DVDs (unless I buy it myself) is the chance that no one will stick it in their player and actually watch the thing. I haven't yet. It is in my "to get to pile." I - like most people - probably never will. Except for the fact that I am actually interested in.... see point number two.

2. Companies as the new production houses.
I am fascinated by the idea of companies taking control of their brands and messages by designing and producing their own original content.

What do you think is the future for companies creating content on their own?

May 18, 2007

media bombs

Most people don't realize the power of media.

Terrorists do.

That's why they make their own videos of anguish and turmoil. That's why they blew up and burned down a radio station in Baghdad today. Media is more powerful than any weapon. Check out this article from the Washington Times.

I love the movie Three Kings. It is a story about four soldiers who go in search of Saddam Hussein’s gold during the first Gulf war. The movie explores the real war going on behind the weapons ... the war of the screen. Media played a big part in the first Gulf war.

Media plays an even bigger role now. Whoever uses media effectively wins in business... life... culture ... and yes even war.