July 17, 2007

5 Tips for great online video

After launching three online shows I have learned a couple things about video online. Here are my top five tips...

1. Frequency
The more you post the more they come. People want to see a regular flow of content coming from you. Frequency is the best way to build a loyal and expanding audience. Weekly posting is a good rule of thumb. Daily will send you into orbit.

2. Fast paced editing
Video on the web is consumed quickly. The pacing of your content needs to be quickly paced. Keep the edits short and quick. Move the camera around and don't feel shy about making jarring jump cuts.

3. Great sound
Sound is really 95 percent of great internet video. Remember that most internet video is flash encoded and viewed at 320 x 240. Sound can really set your video apart from the others. If your camera has the option - plug in an external mic and get it close to your subjects.

4. close ups are mandatory
Remember the whole 320 x 240? Well - long shots don't really work so well. Get the camera in close to your subject. Fill out the frame. Show the audience what is going on.

5. Keep it short
You are good under five minutes - great under 3 minutes and stratospheric under 1 minute. Keep your videos short and people will watch. Make long videos (over 5-7 minutes) and people will think twice.

What are some tips you have for great online video? I would love to hear them.

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